Teks Mengikuti Kursor

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Narrative text:the ugly ducking

The ugly ducking

On the morning,the mother duck counted her chidren,”one…two…three… four… ah and the last one… five!” look at them swimming,but the last child can’t swim! He was the different with his brothers and sisters.He was the biggest of them all,and look at the feathers with all the black spots.He wasn’t the same golden-yellow as his brothers and sisters.They called him spotty.ORIENTATION
“Look at ugly ducking who can’t swim!”teasted the other families that lived in the big pond.The poor litle ducking didn’t have any friends.The mother duck was busy looking after the four other ducklings and pecking for spotty walked back and forth confused.Without any friends,he looked for food in the mud around the edge of the pond.
But spotty didn’t give up.he tried to learn to swim by himself in a shallow area.Eventhought he almost sank,he keep trying to swim while flapping his wings.
They after day and month after month,the differences between spotty and the rest of his family were becoming easier to see.However,his mother always loved him.She taught him and how to search for food on the land,and his brothers and sisters often played with him at the edge of the pond.
One day,while he was playing,he went far away from his home.he was chasing butterfly,and he chased it all the way to the top of the hill.”wow,I’ve played a long way from home,”he thought.he looked down at the pond and saw mother duck and his brothers and sisters looking for food and playing in the middle of the pond.Spotty felt sad.COMPLICATION
Then he heard a sound,”quack… quack…!”from the sky above him.it was a herd of swans.They flew by gracefully.”Hey look.he looked like us,”said one of the swans.anggi,one of the swans even flew down low to meet spotty.
“hello,my name’s anggi,”said anggi.”I’m spotty,the duck,”replied spotty introducing himself.Then he told her why he was up on the hill all alone.Anggi felt sorry for spotty.”Can you fly like me?”she asked.”I’ve learned how to fly, but I’m not as good as you,”said spotty.
Anggi taught him how to fly.”Now we’re ready to fly close the pond.You can be together with your family again,”Said anggi.they flew down to the pond.”Look!there are two very beautiful swans flying towards our pond!”Cried one of the duck in the pond.Everyone looked at the sky.”Yes there were two beautiful swans,”said the others.mother duck thought she recognized one of the swans.”Ooh,isn’t that spotty my sons?”she mumbled.”Mum,it’s me,spotty!”cried spotty as he flapped his wings. RESOLUTION
Mother duck cried a tear.”It is time spotty knows who hw really is.He’s not aduck,He is a swan.”Mother duck welcomed spotty with pride.Her ugly ducking had turned into handsome swan who could fly gracefully. REORIENTATION

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